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News & Insights

January is National Blood Donation Month

Did you know winter is one of the most difficult times of the year to collect enough blood to meet patient needs? By donating blood, you help save lives and improve people’s overall health.

Quick Facts from the Community Blood Center:

  • 4.5 million Americans will need blood transfusion each year.
  • 43,000 pints – the amount of donated blood used each day in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Someone needs blood every two seconds.
  • About one in seven people entering a hospital need blood.
  • One pint of blood can save up to three lives.

Give the gift of life at the Surgery Center blood drive on Monday, January 23!

Who can donate? To give blood you must:

  • Be in general good health.
  • Be at least 17 years old. (If you are 16 you can donate with a CBC consent form signed by your parent). There is no upper age limit as long as you have no health restrictions.
  • Be at least 5′ 4″ tall and weigh at least 110 pounds. If you are under 5′ 4″ you will need to weigh more than 110 pounds to safely donate.
  • Have a photo ID.


1075 1st Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

January 23, 2023


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