Before Your Surgery
In most cases, you will be required to undergo a physical exam and some routine lab tests prior to your surgery. In general, this should be completed about two weeks before surgery. Your physician’s office can help arrange this for you.
Outside our main entrance there is plenty of free, covered parking just steps from the door. Our facility allows easy access to the reception area on either the first or second floor where you will register.
Next, you will meet in a private consultation area with your health care team. Our staff will show you to a private room where you can prepare for your surgery, performed in a state-of-the-art operating suite or a procedure room (for more minor procedures). Here, your physician of choice has access to the most modern equipment and a highly trained staff.

On the Day of Your Surgery
What can you expect during your outpatient surgery experience at Surgery Center Cedar Rapids? Personal attention, high-quality medical care, minimal waiting, lower cost, and a shortened discharge process are just a few of the many advantages at Surgery Center Cedar Rapids.
Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, special needs, or requests. We want to make your outpatient surgery experience as pleasant as possible.
So you know what to expect, please review this important patient information:
Preparation for Surgery
Your physician will discuss your surgery with you during your office visit, and your appointment will be scheduled at that time. Be sure to tell your doctor about any existing medical conditions and medications that you are currently taking. Within a week prior to your procedure, you will receive an invitation to access your secure patient portal where you may submit your health history, medications and receive pre-procedure instructions. This invitation will be delivered via text messaging or email. If you prefer to speak with a nurse, you may call our message line 319-558-4826 to communicate your best availability for a call between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our pre-screening nurse will be happy to speak with you. It is very important that you provide your health history online or speak with a nurse from Surgery Center Cedar Rapids prior to the date of your procedure.
You will also be contacted by a member of our business office staff regarding your insurance coverage, and to answer any insurance or billing questions you may have.
Do not eat or drink after midnight the day of surgery, except:
- Clear liquids may be consumed up to 3 hours before procedure
- Breast milk may be consumed up to 4 hours prior to surgery. (No formula or nonhuman milk after midnight)
If receiving no sedation (local anesthesia only): follow your surgeons instructions for eating & drinking
If you take medication(s) daily, your doctor will direct you as to which ones you need to take the day of your procedure. Bring both a list of your medications and the medications themselves with you on the day of your procedure.
If you are diabetic and use insulin, please ask your doctor about pre-surgery insulin dosage. Bring your insulin with you.
Please bathe or shower the evening before or the morning of your procedure.
Do not wear make-up, jewelry (this includes body piercings), or fingernail polish. Please remove artificial nails.
Eyeglasses, contact lenses, and dentures may need to be removed and stored in proper containers before surgery. Please bring containers with you.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Please leave all valuables at home.
Children may bring a favorite blanket or toy to take with them to surgery.
Women age 13 and older will need to have a pregnancy test or sign a waiver regarding possibility of pregnancy before surgery.
If you have any allergies to medications, latex, tape, soap, or foods, please inform your doctor and Surgery Center Cedar Rapids beforehand.
If your physician/surgeon has prescribed a special prep or medication to use prior to your surgery, please follow the instructions closely.
Bring paperwork with you as instructed: consent forms, physical forms, etc.
Bring your photo ID and insurance card DOS to your appointment for a quick check-in process.
YOU MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS IN ADVANCE for a friend or family member to stay with you and drive you home after you are discharged. Under No Circumstances will you be allowed to operate a motor vehicle if you have received sedation or general anesthesia.
IMPORTANT: If you have a cold, sore throat, fever, urinary tract infection, an area of concern near your surgical site, or other illness 24 hours prior to your procedure, please call your doctor as soon as possible. If you cannot reach your doctor, please report your illness to our nursing staff.

After Your Surgery
Depending on your anesthesia, you may begin in the Phase One Recovery Care Unit or return directly to a private room to complete your recovery. Your family can meet with you here if you wish.
Recovery generally lasts a few hours. You will be given specific discharge instructions from your doctor. When you are ready, one of our nurses will escort you and your family to our covered, private patient exit area.
Remember, you will not be allowed to drive yourself home after your surgery. Please plan to have someone drive you to and from the Center.
COVID Testing Prior to Your Procedure
Following COVID-19 Screening
Testing for COVID-19 before your scheduled procedure is an important step to confirm your current health and promote your best possible recovery. Testing also promotes the safest environment for the healthcare workers who will be taking care of you. A copy of your vaccination card may be required before surgery.
Following your test, you must immediately isolate yourself from other persons who may be exposed or infected with COVID-19. It is very important that you follow these instructions after leaving the testing center and until you leave home the day of your procedure:
- Stay at home – do not go to public areas, attend gatherings or work outside your home
- Stay in another room as much as possible from other household members, including using a separate bedroom and bathroom if possible
- Use social distancing – stay at least 6 feet apart from anyone who may be entering and leaving your home during this time
- Wear a mask around people within your home if you are unable to remain 6 feet apart
- Do not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels or bedding with other people in your home.
- Wash your hands often and practice good hygiene.
Test Results: No news is good news!
- You will be contacted only if your test result is positive
- If you test positive for COVID-19, your physician will cancel your elective procedure
Signs of Illness to Report
Before having any procedure, you should be in good health. Notify your physician right away if you should develop any of the following symptoms:- Fever of 100.0 F or greater
- Chills
- Cough
- Difficulty breathing at rest
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- New loss of taste or smell
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
Day of Procedure
- Wear a mask as you leave your home and enter the facility
- You will be screened for symptoms